The Cost Benefits of Achieving Academic Honors in College

Academic honors are a highly sought-after achievement for college students, and they come with some very real benefits.

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Lessons Learned About STEM from Global Technology Companies

Rapid changes in technology are driving significant change in the STEM skills required of future leaders, says global technology companies.

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COVID–19: An Opportunity for US Parents and Students

Parts of this excerpt comes from the soon to be released book, “The Crises of Competence,” by Dr. Clarence Nixon, Jr., founder of t.Lab.

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What Parents and Students Can Do During Social Distancing

Parents and students should take advantage of governmental stay at home policies and implement rigorous academic development processes for their students.

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Overcoming Intellectual Entropy

A passing grade is not good enough; we must seek to excel! Jesus Christ is my measure (cf. Rm. 11:33)

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